Lets Call BullS#!t Campaign

As a society, we need to be more aggressive when calling out the way people talk about mental health and people with a mental illness. BRING ATTENTION TO THIS. Keep fighting and never stop. Why is it important to call this type of behavior out? Furthers the miseducation about mental illnesses. By allowing people to continue saying “you’re being psycho” “I am going to cut you” or “You’re acting like a schizo” means them continuing to believe that they are doing nothing wrong. People who say these things, 9 out of 10 times don’t mean to be offensive or rude- they … Continue reading Lets Call BullS#!t Campaign

What Does it Mean to Live with Depression?

First thing first, every mental illness is different. Every experience is different. Every day is different. That is something you can almost guarantee about living with a mental illness- every day, every battle and every experience are unexpected and different. But a basic understanding of what someone battling depression could be going through is important, and the purpose of this post. So what is depression? Medically, it is “mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily lifestyle”. It is important to know that depression is caused by four main elements: brain chemistry, … Continue reading What Does it Mean to Live with Depression?